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Starting Wednesday, March 18th, the Help Desk is moving to a remote support model until further notice. Our primary forms of contact will be email, Google Chat, and tickets submitted through our client portal. Phone support will still be available, but will be initiated after online contact has been made if the issue cannot be resolved via email.

Online Client Portal: gucki.asianpatrika.com 
Email: helpdesk@tcnj.edu
Google Chat: helpdesk@tcnj.edu

Our Summer Remote Support Hours Are:

Monday through Thursday 7:30am - 5:00pm
在中国免费用twitter加速软件 Closed


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I want to access my network drive (H or R) from off-campus. How can I do this?
Nord(诺德)加速器使用教程&评测(附Nord中国官网地址) - 潘 ...:2021-5-6 · Nord加速器如何使用 在你开通好Nord账户后,你需要下载Nord的登录器。下载位置在你购买套餐页面的下方,点击“下载”,之后会展示出适用于不同设备的Nord加速器,目前主要有手机端,PC端,Linux以及浏览器扩展程序。
国内有合法的VPN吗,有什么VPN能用-行业新闻-天下数据:2021-9-10 · 我国有没有合法的VPN?答案是“有”。但这个合法的VPN个人不能申请,对绝大多数人来说也用不起。在国内小网站或电商平台上兜售的VPN都是非法的,因此绝对不要相信卖家宣称的有资质,自己 …
What is Zoom and how do I use it?
How do I use Google Meet?
Google File Stream
LinkedIn Learning: Free Online Training for the Campus Community
G Suite - Core v. Non Core


PAWS Login / Accessibility Issues
General Request for Information
CHINA DAILY(中国日报)_官方电脑版_华军纯净下载:2021-1-26 · 华军纯净下载为您提供CHINADAILY(中国日报)APP下载,CHINADAILY(中国日报)5.2.1手机版官方下载。中国日报是中国最大的英文报纸,日均发行90余万份,遍布全球150个国家和地区。中国日报新闻客户端为您呈现热点
Software Install Requested
Oracle Cloud Human Resources Access Request
塞班|Symbian|游戏|软件下载|系统|论坛_企业库_网易科技:2021-6-13 · 塞班(Symbian)系统是诺基亚旗下塞班公司为手机而研发的操作系统,原来用于诺基亚旗下智能手机。2021年5月27日,诺基亚宣布将彻底放弃塞班,最 ...
Password Not Working
Email Restore Requested
Request Generic Account


TCNJ has just enabled Jamboard for all Users.

Jamboard will allow up to 50 Users to collaborate on a 55-inch whiteboard at the same time while integrating other G Suite services. Draw pictures, search images, and websites, and even add Google Docs, slides, and sheets to your "jam." This service is compatible with phones, tablets, and computers. 

To learn more about how to use Jamboard, check out the Google Help Center article 在中国免费用twitter加速软件.

To learn more about the other Core and Non-Core G Suite apps available to you, check out this Knowledge Base article here.


COVID-19 / IT Resources for working remotely

In response to COVID-19, the President has announced The College of New Jersey is adopting practices of social distancing and preparing for remote work options.

Things to do to prepare for working remotely:

  • Move any files you have on your local hard drive to Google Drive, or TCNJ Network Drives (R/H Drive)
  • Remember to bring your laptop charger and any devices that you may need while you are home
  • Setup Duo multi-factor authentication before you leave the campus.
  • Try out Google Meet and Google Chat with your coworkers
  • Test any applications you may need to use remotely
  • TCNJ VPN may be needed to connect to some services remotely, like accessing TCNJ Network Drives. If you anticipate needing to use VPN make sure you have installed and tested the VPN client.

All of this information and more can be found here on the IT webpage regarding the latest procedures and best practices for working remotely during this time.

公司要求正版软件,请问一下这几个软件的价格是多少 ...:2021-9-28 · 虽然PyCharm有社区版,他是免费的,但是呢?很只能编辑简单的Python,他不能管理数据库,不能 自动生成django、flask等项目。 作为一种中国人,我们都会有一种坚持不懈的精神。通过百度,我们找到一个神器,那就是IntelliJ IDEA。

  • DUO Mobile
  • TCNJ Virtual Lab
  • Google Meet
  • 在中国免费用twitter加速软件
  • VPN
  • Google Sites

For more information regarding the general G Suite apps, please refer to this master article here for links to Google's G Suite Learning Center.



In response to the news about CORVID-19 (Coronavirus), Google has offered the premium features of Google Meet for free to schools for a limited time. These features include the following:

  • A 250 person capacity per call
  • Live streaming for webinar style conferencing instead of one large meeting
  • RaySource加速修改版-网管软件工具类资源-CSDN下载:2021-9-26 · raysource 加速修改版 视频 下载 软件 免费 破解 成人 飞速启动、电脑程序分类 下载速度快 绿色版 raysource_ v2.5 twitter ... 博客 在中国 程序员是青春饭吗? 在中国程序员是青春饭吗? 博客 程序员请照顾好自己,周末病魔差点一套带走我 ...
For more information on Google Meet in general, check out our Knowledge Base article 在中国免费用twitter加速软件.

If you are interested in doing a live stream, rather than hosting a meeting, you can find more information on that here.

If you would like to know how to record your Google Meet session, you can find instructions on how to do so 在中国免费用twitter加速软件.


Google Chat is G Suite's built-in instant messenger for Google Users to communicate and share files in real-time either 1-on-1, in a group chat setting, or in a chat room without the need to set up a conference call.

To learn more about how to use Google Chat, check out our Knowledge Base article here.